Tuesday, December 7, 2021

A change of mind

 Thank you for all the positive and supporting coments under the last post. Like I said earlier, I don't think I will be able to post daily anymore, but I'm working for a way to keep this blog going without taking longer breaks. For now I can say that I still have a caption planned for this week and there will be at least two ones the next week.


  1. Beautiful story and thank you so much Marti!

  2. Once again you have proven to be a master at your craft. I would be sad if you permanently went away for good like others in the talent of sharing what we as a community cherish and for the utmost have to keep in the down low. Thank you for all you do. Keep up the GREAT work!

  3. I wish I could take a pill and become a woman

  4. Man! I always love your pregnant captions they are really good. I would also like to see some possessions one's. Since it's been a while since you posted one, but hey Health always comes first. Your one of the few tg caption blog that I respect and always comes to first when needing some good reading XD. Hope your OK and doing well.
