Thursday, November 19, 2020

The insomniac blog update

 I've just recieved an email from Claira (the insomniac tg). There's good news and bad news and to clarify what happened I'm posting her message:


Hiya folks,

I saw that I was listed as "missing" in your blogs, so I thought I'd try to get in touch with you for an update :)

So basically what is I got something nasty on my computer that caused a lot of my stuff to get flagged, Google included. The good news is, as far as real life stuff goes, it looks like damage control has been more-or-less successful, so all's well on that front. The not-so-good news is, while I did obviously get my Google account back, apparently they didn't much care for my blog when they saw it and in my attempts to get that back so... yea, it's probably gone for good.

So yea, all told, I'm fine, but the blog as it was is dead. I'm not sure what that means for me moving forward. I'll probably take a little break and try to figure it out from there. 

Feel free to disperse this "update" on your respective blogs or anywhere else you wish! I'm actually having some weird issues trying to post comments, on blogs (I may have some anonymous replies awaiting moderation on your blogs, or even from this account, nothing is showing up for me after I try posting). 

Thanks for all your kind words and support, and sorry for any worry I've caused you. 

-The Former Blogger Formerly Known as The Insomniac?
 Sadly the blog is dead and I don't know if she has an archive for her captions. Let's just hope that one day we're going to see a comeback.


  1. I'm happy to hear Claira-Insominiac is fine.
    On my blog the Art of Bodyswap I collected all cap she made for me.
    Beside with google images and pinterest it's possible to recover most of her captions

  2. She should just keep trying to get the blog deletetion reversed. I just depends on who you get to review your ticket. Eventually you get someone who's more chill and will reverse it.

  3. I am so relieved to hear that she is okay, and that is the most important thing! Also, that Claira has not suffered too much in recovering her IRL stuff and administering damage control from that nasty stuff, that is wonderful to hear.

    It's a shame that the Google services are not very forthcoming on how to recover her Insomniac blog content. :( That seems very odd and unfair. Isn't Google supposed to stand up for transparency and freedom of information, or are they quietly censoring things that they just "don't approve of" by letting them die? *sigh....*

    I agree with Ari that Claira could keep trying, although she must feel very frustrated right now. I hope that we can find some way to help Claira restore her blog to its former glory. In any case, she should take some "time out" to have a break and decide for herself what to do in the future. We are her fans, and we owe it to her to give her moral support and love, no matter what she decides.

    1. It seems that google is somewhat censoring content. I do not if it is this way anymore but about a year ago there was a buzz in the youtube community that defending the police for some actions during Black Lives Matter Movement rallies and other actions (I myself am not black but I do have a black nanny whom I still keep up with to this day as she is like a second mother to me). The videos that did defend the police were demonetized and in some cases taken down (even if the cops did the right thing). If the video defended the Black Lives Matter movement they were not demonetized (even if the protesters did wrong actions).

      So to be honest, I have absolutely no clue why as I have heard that Google is like what you said it is.

  4. I just read this post.

    I'm glad that 'The Imsoniac' is doing well and feel sorry for what had happened to her.

    I have saved all her captions. So if she wants to recover them I guess that I could help in that issue.


    1. Hi Nadine, do you have a way to share these captions? I miss reading them and only have a few saved.
