Friday, September 27, 2019

Preferable place to live

1 comment:

  1. After the baby was born I quit my job to be a full stay at home mother my husband decided the city was no place to raise a family he took a promotion and a transfer to a smaller town. turns out it was the town Thomas had grown up in. Sara was so wanting to be closer to Thomas's family she went to the old house where she found Thomas playing Basketball in the front driveway. After the shock the two hugged and talked Sara had been pushed her hole childhood to be the best woman she could be and hated it but did love and miss her husband of 6 months. but Thomas told her now him all that had happened and Sara now the boy told Thomas everything Sara and her now family moved in next door and became great friends with the old family and on a regular had Thomas come over to babysit his mom and dad did not know of the switch so the new Thomas and and the baby became friends if she could not have this baby someday she would get married and become the father to her own child.
