Wednesday, September 4, 2019

5 Millions!

It seems like recently I tend to forget about important events on my blog. This one in particular is very important since we hit 5 million views some time ago! All thanks to you my dear boys and girls who keep me going on and build this little fantasy world for all of us. Time to open a bottle of champagne and celebrate. Next one is at 10 millions and lets hope it's going to happen soon or else we'll get thirsty :)


  1. Congrats, awesome milestone! Keep up the great work!

  2. I'm so very happy for you, dear Sis! Congratulations! :D

  3. Congratulations on your milestone. Keep it up

  4. Thank you all for the support all this time. You are trully wonderful :)

  5. Congratulations and thank you for all the great caps and for bringing my requests to life
