Friday, October 12, 2018



  1. Can you turn me in to a girl using the Venus Clinic.
    I’m a white man whose 19(straight and never want to be a girl this just seems like fun to read about me being one). The kind of girl I want me to be in the story is a hot red head.

    The reason I turned into a girl is because my friend and I made a bet saying I couldn’t live as a girl for a month. At first I hate being a girl but then I grow to love it and stay a girl and become my friends girl friend.

    Also I would love if this was like a small series like your Prom Date caption which is the best thing I have ever read


    1. Hello
      I have all the request saved in a text file so I won't forget about any. I know it takes long and I apologize but I also have my own life to deal with and not always I have either time or strenght to write. A lot of my captions I'm posting were made earlier and if it wasn't for this I wouldn't be able to post daily. I understand your concern but there is no reason for spamming. Your request will be done but I don't know when I'll get the chance to start.
      Cheers and have a nice day :)
