Monday, September 3, 2018

Jumping throught universes (Request)


  1. Real interesting concept and great story^^

  2. It was a good story based on the physics version of science. It is interesting that someone covered the "M" theory. In physics, it states that there is more than one universe out there. And in string theory, it says there is more than one reality. With the M the universes stacked side by side. When you see books on a shelf, that is a comparison to our active universes. In them, we can be younger, older, a reverse personality. Then there comes of the subject of the story...a reverse DNA verse of everyone. A man here could be a woman and vice versa. With string theory, it is more advanced, but there are realities where there could be billions of different instances similar to universes and micro-realities. It is the advanced version of the M theory. It gives everyone something to think about.
