Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Half-baked plan


  1. Oh my, Marti, this is so wicked, so...delicious! I like it. Steven is a lucky guy (I mean, girl!).

    1. Indeed he (now she) is. And the date was great :) I think something serious will come out of it.

  2. This was a well written story with a surprise for the one who sought retribution for a breakup. It is usually hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Reprisal can be severe from a man as well. Steven now chose to stay as Katie. Guess he really has gotten in touch with his feminine mystique. So he or she decided he liked being her, and since she's done damage...well. It seems the new Katie will let her ex get comfortable being the new Steven. I believe that plan backfired. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same. I would've. You go new girl and the ex better get used to being the male sex.
