Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Guest caps by TheInsomniac



  1. Very enjoyable stories! Thanks for sharing. Zoe

  2. Hopefully his dad didn't leave a new baby sibling in Jenny's body! I wonder how he'd react to being the mom of his own sibling..

  3. I never thought that the body swap could be permanent, but it was. My best friend's mother, Mrs. Johnson, had swapped bodies with me, and there was no going back.

    At first, it was strange being in Mrs. Johnson's body. I had to adjust to wearing bras, tights, and even sitting down to pee. But as time passed, I got used to it. I even started to enjoy the feeling of wearing women's clothes and the way they made me feel.

    The biggest challenge was being treated differently by everyone, especially my best friend Jake. He was now my son, and it was strange having him treat me like his mother. It was also hard to adjust to the way people looked at me and treated me.

    But I adapted to my new life, and I even started to like it. I found that people treated me with more respect and kindness. I also enjoyed the attention I was getting from men, and I even went on a few dates.

    However, as time passed, I started to realize that I was stuck in this body. There was no going back. I was now Mrs. Johnson for the rest of my life.

    It was a scary thought, but I tried to make the best of it. I focused on my new life and tried to be the best mother and wife I could be. I even started to enjoy the little things, like cooking and cleaning.

    As the years passed, I watched Jake grow up and start his own family. It was strange being his mother, but I loved him just the same. I also found love and got married, and I was happy.

    Looking back on it now, I don't regret the body swap. It taught me to be open-minded and to embrace change. It also taught me that sometimes, you have to accept things that you cannot change. I may be stuck in this body, but I am happy with the life I have built for myself.
