Saturday, August 27, 2022

It's just one day (One shot comic)

 I was just playing around and made this one shot story to fill the gap :)


  1. Marti,
    You just set yourself up to do a follow up to this great story! Will the new mother decide to remain a mother and raise her baby or seek out the real one and demand to reverse back to her teenage self? Please give it serious thought! Zoe

  2. Marti,
    A great story once again! She will not want to go back to being a teenage boy after she sees the baby she delivers and holds her in her arms for the first time!

    Who among us would not want that exact thing to happen to us!

    Your story reminds me of a special summer I had when I was 12 years old.
    A friend of mine and I created a kind of what if game. It centered around a baby being left at the door of an imaginary apartment one of us would be living at when we were 21. A note pinned to the babies blanket said ....Our choice "yes" to be magically transformed into a woman and breastfeed and care for the baby for a specific time or immediately or "no" she would die with in 1 minute. How could anyone say no, right?

    We came up with all sorts of scenario's on why we would happen after we said yes.

    Eventually it led to always saying yes, dating men of course, wedding dress talk and all, marriage to a man, more children, eventually becoming grandmas.

    We played the game while sleeping out in a tent in the his backyard a couple or three times a week one summer, from early July to late August. we would wake up and always go fishing in the mornings.

    Reading this comic brought back that summer of fun with a friend who was just like me.

  3. Maybe the woman went on the date with Sarah and really likes having a girlfriend.

    Maybe feeding the baby for the first time causes instant binding with the baby.

    Maybe after a couple of more months, the new mother and her "husband" find out they're pregnant again and the original woman shows up wanting to trade back.
