Thursday, July 28, 2022

Being Mrs. Parker



  1. confront the witch in the boys body drench with gasoline or lighter fluid and a lighter to get the body back: or make it a living hell !

    1. I'm not sure what the upside to that plan is. Either you get your original body back with third degree burns, possibly only right before it dies, or you're stuck as a middle aged woman who's going to jail for a very long time....

  2. me encanta la historias de robos de cuerpo y progresión de edad... siga asi

  3. Well, sign me up!
    What is the down side to all this. Extra time with my hubby alone. I like keeping a house. Rowdy boys grow up. That leads to a cleaner house and more time with my hubby.
    I haven't even mentioned, the hair, the clothes, the shoes, the makeup, the shoes!

    Those were my dreams back when I was teenager!!


    I love your caps Marti!
