Thursday, September 10, 2020

Not my wedding



  1. I love wedding themed stories

  2. Here I was standing here in a wedding gown. In place, I wasn't sure of. But I do know it wasn't me. Or I was she now, I was another person. Another gender working here at the wedding a nobody. I was taken a break then I noticed her she dressed. In the wedding a bit sad. Wondering why, when I was her, a girl, a women. I was her getting ready to get marries. I was confused at best, and a bit scared.
    The more and more I tried to figure out, her/my husband there. He was will to make me happy. I wanted said ,that I wasn't her. But something happen to me. I was frilled of it. Like it was normal for me to be her. NO I my her, how it happen it seem that my life as a girl, women. HAS begin this day!

  3. I don't blame him, her...the new Katie. If the original owner/soul of the Katie body used a swap spell to exchange souls and shells, I would keep the Katie shell too if there seemed to be no strings attached. If there were no repercussions and a man named James telling me Katie all my days he would make me the happiest. With no ramifications, and the body had a good feeling, I'd take a chance. If I became happy and content, plus mother of his children the original owner had better not come back expecting a swap out. I'd say no way I'm satisfied and I claim maternal and salvage rights.
