Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A triumphant return


  1. Twój caption jest gotowy! :D


  2. Helen took the knowledge of who Annette really was because if she had told Tom, She would have lost him and in doing that she would never have been in her Grand children's lives all 5 of them. At first Helen kept to her gun's about never getting along with her daughter-in-law // ex-husband. Something funny happened by the fourth grandchild Helen my never love Annette but for the Grandchildren's sake she put up a fake front but Helen started to drown her hatred in a bottle And buy the fifth Grandchild Helen was in the hospital. That is when Annette came to Helen and asked if she could forgive her/him and they could become better mother and daughter because Annette did not want Helen to die with this heavy heart. That is when Helen asked Tom for her forgiveness in not telling him everything but by then Tom loved Annette no matter who or what she was because now she was the mother to his five children and a loving wife. Tom could not forgive his mom but it was his loving wife that changed his heart and he came to his mom and forgave her and minutes after that Helen was gone but left with a smile on her face and in her heart.
