Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A mysterious curse (Request)


  1. BIG FAVOR. I have very bad vision. I fou could make your letter easier to read I would greatly appreciate it. BlCK OR VEYR DAR ON WHITE OR ALMOST white would be the best or a black back ground with white lettering. Thank you

    I do enjoy your work but I often given up trying to read it.

    1. Hello :)
      It's quite complicated. I gave up on the white background since it didn't look good. I know colors can be an issue and I completely understand your problem. I'll try to find a compromise so you could enjoy reading my captions.

  2. Well this was a great story. Roman faced a rather large misfortune. He went to sleep as a male and awoke as a female because of a curse...an irreversible one. Yet he, she learned to live with the cards she was dealt and began to see the life with gusto. Now if only that would happen to me. Go to sleep as the disabled person with a terminal debilitating genetic illness. Then I would awaken a healthy, vibrant, and gorgeous girl. I would not complain at all.
