Monday, May 21, 2018

Going to a school dance

1 comment:

  1. Genius plan, from Mom
    But as much i know, those spells do not hold forever.
    Another problem with this kind of spells is that, without having victim to eat something what helps physically to change, it is pure mind control of victim and viewers. It means that He is not transformed to She. It is like hypnosis but with that difference that anyone who sees victim under the spell, sees what victim sees from himself. Mindly advanced people can still see a man in dress, maybe with blurry aura. Some animals also can see trough that spell and acting weird (depends who is under the spell or when the spell was initialized). This Matrix-stuff is not pure SciFi-fantasy.
    In our folklore is this type messing with spells not uncommon. Practically 99% of people know some spells and how to use them, around 200 years ago. (Before 1917).
