
Friday, September 25, 2020

One of them (request)



  1. Replies
    1. I have a sequel for this caption.

      One year later at a reception Jimmy now Natalie receive the visit of a spirit. This one explain that when fulfilling his wish he make a mistake and made Jimmy a girl. He offer to make him a boy again. Jimmy think of it but finally choose to stay Natalie. This year was the best of her life, she has what she always want, friend, family and a life without poverty. She also experience her first kiss and her first time and even if it's weird for a former boy, she was glad to lived this has a girl. She thanks the spirit for changing him into a girl and with this made her life better. Then she join the girl group gathered around her aunt who was pregnant. She think that one day she may also become a mom and smile about the life that await her.

  2. It was strange and odd, one day, he was wanted to wonder what its like. To have a better life. Then how or why, the next morning his life changed. Everything changed his life, even his gender changer too. He wonder, and wondered why, after a week or so, being a girl, having a much better life. Is a good thing. She still wonders why at times, was it a correction in the cosmos or what!

  3. Some guys have all the luck! Good cap and thanks! Zoe

  4. How many times I wished and dreamed of being a girl and nothing happy for Natalie
