
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Way out of debt


  1. Can you turn me in to a girl using the Venus Clinic.
    I’m a white man whose 19(straight and never want to be a girl this just seems like fun to read about me being one). The kind of girl I want me to be in the story is a hot red head.

    The reason I turned into a girl is because my friend and I made a bet saying I couldn’t live as a girl for a month. At first I hate being a girl but then I grow to love it and stay a girl and become my friends girl friend.

    Also I would love if this was like a small series like your Prom Date caption which is the best thing I have ever read


    1. Hello :)
      Yes, I remember about your request. Althought I don't know how long is it going to take. Recently I've been struggling with time so I must ask you for patience ;)

  2. Marti, Another great story and pic! Don't know how you keep coming up with one great one after the previous.
    BTW....if you need a volunteer to try the next body suit out, I'm ready! Zoe

  3. Oh, Zoe. You are so sweet <3 Your enthusiasm and kind words always make me feel so nice. Thank you for being here and I hope I can provide more captions you find enjoyable to read :)

    1. Marti, I really look forward to your stories and pics every day and yes, I find them so enjoyable! If when you have time would you consider making me in one of your stories? I love lingerie, especially panties-I have a great collection and want to be transformed into a pretty 20 something year old girl, B cups and sweet looking for the right life! Thanks!!!!

    2. Sure I can. I will try my best to make you the star of my caption ;)

  4. Awesome story,I only wish body suit's were available back when I cuaght on fire and went through a very painful skin graph surgery.Body suits seem like they might be painless

    1. I'm terribly sorry to hear that. I hope everything is allright now

    2. yeah,I'm good now.I caught on fire back in 2007,and was the worst experience ever
