
Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Just as promised this is the request page. I made a link for it on the right side bar so if you have any requests feel free to click and write them in the comment section of this post.
Before you start please be aware of some rules:

1. I'm open to diffirent kind of tg and tf but there are some things I'm not into. I don't do animal, chubby or elderly captions and since this is a M2F site I won't be doing F2F. Just not my type of captions.

2. Make this easier for me :) Give me some background of the story, some plot so I will know exactly what would you like to see. It's hard to make a decent story which meets your expectations when the only info is something like "Swap a boy with his friend's hot mom or turn Eric into Erica and he likes it"

3. Sex and nudity is fine however please keep it toned down. I like kinky stuff but I wouldn't like to turn this blog into a porn site.

4. Providing pictures is welcome but not mandatory so don't worry about it. I have a nice collection of pictures and I'm sure something will fit.

Other than that be creative and wild. I'don't know how much it will take to make a caption based on your request. Depends on how many I would get. If you're shy or don't want to post it here for any particular reason you can always pm me at


  1. please you can do some captions where a father is transformed into a hot teen busty girl ... by an accident of the medallion of zulo and is trapped in that beautiful female form ....

    his wife sends him to the school where his son and daughter are studying ...

    in addition the new form of the father was so beautiful that his son feels a strong physical attraction to the new girl who is his father, his son can not help himself

    his daughter helps him with the makeup and things of girls but in secret she is envious of the beauty of her father ...

    the father feels very strange being a hot teenage girl and have breasts and a pussy and he did not like the perverted looks the boys gave him .....

    but unintentionally the father becomes the most popular girl of the school ..... he get new friends and start wearing very provocative clothes and very sexy underwear ...
    he becomes a very horny girl too ......,at this point the father can not help but feel physical attraction to the boys especially the muscular young men to the horror of the father .... he can not help himself , since his new female hormones are outside of control...and he kisses with the boys and also does other things

    his daughter at this point hates the girl ,she misses her old dear father and hates that popular bitch !!!

    but his son has the most difficult, because the physical attraction to his father grew much more in those few months and always tries to spy on his father while his father showered
    and also going to see the sexy underwear of his father ..... and of course has perverted sexual fantasies with the girl who was his father to his horror ..

    1. Your wish is my command :) Expect the caption on monday or tuesday.

  2. you can make a captions where 2 members of a family of 4 (father, mother, son, daughter) are magically transformed by a beautiful and evil fairy.
    the son becomes a sexy milf and the father becomes a sexy teen girl ..... (the son becomes the mother of his own father and his father becomes the daughter of his son), both feel very strangers in those female bodies
    in this reality the son is sexy a married woman and the best friend of his mother .....
    and the father is a sexy teen girl and her daughter's best friend .... (only the 4 members of the family know about the change of reality) .....
    life is hell for all !!
    The son loves his new big tits, but he hates being a housewife and having to satisfy his new horny husband ..
    and the father also hates his new life ... it is true that he is very very cute now,
    and his new body is very sexy and he loves to play with his new tits, but that carries many responsibilities ..,
    the boys look at her like a piece of meat and besides he had to go back to school and be the classmate of his own daughter !!

    That is just the main idea, please add many fun and sexy parts to the story, ...
    and also if you can do it in 2 parts to see which photos you choose for the new mother and daughter please :3

    1. I'm on it ;) Please expect the caption on thursday or friday

  3. Marti, my big Sis, I am so happy to see this blog site. Viola has added your site to the, as I urged her to do. You will soon have many readers who will appreciate your works, much as I do. :) --- <3 karen

  4. Marti, may I ask...are you are Polish?

    I just have this little idea about a suave Polish chef named Andrzej who meets a Hungarian girl named Veronika, and they make love. They do it multiple times, and he cums inside her. She has an ancient Magyar amulet that subtly changes them both as they both sleep. So, when Andrzej wakes up, his first worry is about feeling his own cum leaking out of his body (the "wet spot").

    They've swapped, and he is not happy about it at first. But then,after cooking up a great Polska sausage for breakfast, he decides to embrace his new life and his new body. As Veronika now, not as Andrzej.

    He wakes up Veronika in his former body and calls her to breakfast. She is shocked, of course, but the fragrant smell of fine Polish cooking in the house arouses her, and she goes downstairs to eat it.

    That's just a sudden thought, Marti. Just want to express it to you. <3 your lil' sister karen

    1. Yes, I'm from Poland :) I will be happy to make a caption including my country. I still have to finish Seraph's request and I'm half way through it. I think next week, maybe monday I will get into your request :)

  5. Oh---I forgot to add one detail, the delicious sausage he cooked should be a proper Serdelki.

    I love Polish food, even though I'm Asian myself. :)

    <3 karen

  6. Greetings. This isn't a request, more like a long-overdue message of appreciation and thanks. I am a long-time lurker of the OpenTGCaptions site, and thanks to the WorldofTG site, I found your blog! I really enjoyed all of your captions under the awruk88 alias, so I was pleasantly surprised to discover this blog.

    With the OpenTGCaptions site's online connection being so spotty, I thought you might like to have some of the captions you've made that I've collected over time. Perhaps you could re-post them here on your blog.

    Because you've been a very prolific caption writer, I've had to break the collection up into two separate compressed files, due to upload file size limits:

    Part 1:
    Part 2:

    Thanks again for continuing to share your creative captions with us!

    1. Thank you very much for the support and sending the captions from open tg, it will really help a lot :) I'm glad you found the blog and it makes me happy to know people are enjoying my captions :)

  7. HI i love your caps, and i was wondering if you can do a cap where the mon and her tenage son wants to swap bodies, and they both help to fit in their new lives, the new mom loves his new life as a sexy woman who loves to uses high heeled boots and his new husban, the new son is fine with his new life.

  8. can you please create a caption where a wife transforms her husband into a teenage girl of the same age as her youngest daughter with a magic ring that she found, she did it for revenge since her husband had cheated on her with another woman .

    (The man does not know how he was transformed into a teenage girl since his wife transformed him while he slept)

    In addition, the wife forced the man to go to the school where his eldest son and his youngest daughter were studying ....
    and in addition the wife bought him the most feminine clothes she found and very sexy underwear such as thongs to humiliate him ..

    he did not get used to having tits and a vagina instead of his penis
    and he hated have to sit down to urinate .

    the husband as the new daughter was very beautiful and had a sexy body ..
    and at school all the boys wanted the new girl to be his girlfriend and also many boys wanted to sleep with her .

    The daughter of the man at the beginning, was happy to have now a new sister of the same age as her, but later she felt very jealous of her father .
    since her father was a hottie .
    all the boys asked him for dates and his mom bought very beautiful clothes for his father ... and also his boyfriend always looked at his tits and ass to his father now sister !!

    and his son tried to support his father at the beginning but it was very difficult to see that girl as his father because now his father was the same age as his younger sister, but also his new sister wore very sexy clothes, plus he found out that his father like that sexy girl wore female thongs .

    After a few weeks
    the man felt sad because his son now no longer respected him as his father ,and his daughter hated him now more because he was now in the team of cheerleaders of the school ,
    besides, the father was now starting to feel a strange physical attraction with the boys he was trying to stop this but he could not, .. and every time he looked at his now flat crotch it was hot and wet from thinking about boys .

    the man cried every night, for the loss of his manhood ... but eventually he could not win the fight and started having dates with guys .
    and became the girlfriend of the captain of the football team .
    and had his first sexual experience as a girl in a room with several mirrors .which made him feel very strange to the father to see the sexy young girl who was being fucked hard by that horny guy, seemed sexy at first but then realizing that girl was him!!
    he felt sad and humiliated at the same time .

    you can emphasize what the father feels about having tits now and what he feels now having a vagina in his crotch instead of his penis
    Also add many things to this idea please.

    1. I'll be happy to make it. I think I'll be posting it next week :)

  9. Here's a request for you. A divorced man has a device that allows him to store the image of someone and then turn into them and regularly uses it to transform into the best friend of his teenage daughter (younger high school/middle school) When the daughter and friend find out they threaten to tell his ex-wife who's on her way to pick them up. Instead he uses it to turn into his daughter, thurn his daughter into the friend and turn the friend into himself. He tells them he'll turn them back if they keep their mouths shut... when the "daughter" is supposed to visit again next week. Of course he has no intention of actually turning back into himself and when he gets bored or found out he has the rest of his daughter's school to use to find a new life.

  10. Could you write a caption where a witch punishes a guy who accidentally bumped into her in the street but was rude to her. Her curse will change him bit by bit during his school day and reacting to each part until he eventually turns into a girl fully (vagina change last) at which point he goes into the bathroom and panics before running home please. He then tries to find the old woman but she won’t turn him back. Feel free to be creative with this. Though I want him to still keep his mind and hate the change.

    1. Of course I will :) I don't know when since the next few days will be quite busy for me but I think around monday or tuesday the caption should be done.

  11. you can make a caption ,where a father is transplanted into the body of a teenage girl to save his life from a car accident,
    and in a few weeks after the transplant, he gets pregnant by his son's best friend in a crazy party, please

    the father hates to be a pretty, pregnant teen girl and hates his new body.
    and he does not like the emptiness between his legs.

    the wife decided it was better to treat her husband as her daughter.

    but after a few months he gets used to his new body and starts loving his new body, although he is very afraid of giving birth
    The son feels strange that his father is a pregnant teenager now, but the son loves to spy on his father's new body when he showers. he even started to take photos and videos of him

    this is just the main idea, feel free to be very creative and add funny and kinky parts, please

  12. A request for you. A young man (college age) gets kicked out of his home when his 13-year-old sister tells their parents that he's been stealing from the business that they own and he's been working at. Desperate, he robs a neighbor's for some stuff to sell off for money but one of the items happens to be a weird looking gun. It's the Costume Gun (unknown to him of course) and when the neighbors' daughter stumbles on him and threatens to call the cops he shoots her with it in a panic turning her into a costume. He puts the skin on and is surprised to find he's turned into her. She's a girl who goes to his sister's school too so he decides to try and make her life miserable.

    It doesn't work so he instead uses the gun to become his sister's best friend to try and ruin their friendship. That doesn't work because after a point he starts to feel like he's maybe enjoying hanging out with her. So instead he uses the gun on his sister to try and ruin her and get her into big trouble. But he likes the feel of being her and eventually just decides to live as her.

    If it's not asking too much maybe each girl could be its own caption/part with its own picture.

    1. It will take some time but I think I'll be able to do it ;)

    2. Is this still coming?

    3. Yes. I was just occupied with the christmas captions. It's once a year and it's the only time I make those kind of captions ;) Don't worry I remember about all requests and I'm going to make them soon :)

  13. Any chance you do private captions! I'd like to use image of people I know.

    1. If it won't get me into any trouble. We can discuss it. Just hit me at my mail

  14. I tried sending u an email for a request,but it wont go through

    1. Hmm, that's weird. Never got a problem like this. Please try again and check for typos. Mail is If this won't work please give me your email and I'll try contacting you

  15. Could you do caps involving Felicity Jones or Melissa Benoist (super girl). I'm thinking maybe a great shift happens during a shoot and one of the film crew swaps with the main actress

  16. Hi, can you do a cap, were a boy swap the body with a sexy blind woman. He jerked of the girl by the FOSE and he didn`t know that she was blind. Or the girl had used an evil spell, to become her eyesight back. She need a new body and the boy is her victim. He is very sad and angry about being a blind girl. And it makes him crazy, that he couldn`t see his new sexy. But he begin to love his new female sensation of his body.

    Here are some pics:


  17. Cześć. Ponieważ widzę, że jesteś z Polski postanowiłam darować sobie pisanie po angielsku, bo bałam się, że jeszcze narobię błędów. Na początek chciałabym powiedzieć, że swoją prośbę kieruję z myślą o moim przyjacielu. Ma na imię Krystian (tylko tyle mogę zdradzić) i generalnie marzy o tym aby zostać zamienionym w kobietę. Ja jedyna o tym wiem, ponieważ jesteśmy dobrymi przyjaciółmi i staramy się sobie ufać: jest dla mnie jak brat. Jak sam twierdzi po prostu tak bardzo kocha dziewczyny, że sam by mógł jedną zostać :P Bardzo lubi TG Captiony, choć z tego co mi wiadomo, jeszcze nie nigdy nie czytał Twoich. Sama z resztą nie wiedziałam co to jest dopóki mi nie pokazał xD

    Wracając jednak do sedna: dosyć długo szukałam kogoś z Polski który się tym zajmuje, a widzę że przyjmujesz zamówienia, więc ja też mam prośbę. Chciałbym abyś napisał historię dotyczącą jego przemiany. Długo myślałam jak to ma wyglądać, tak aby i on był zadowolony dlatego mój pomysł jest taki:

    Jeśli można, chciałabym aby cała historia była z mojej perspektywy. Pewnego dnia wybieram się z nim na spacer. Rozmawiamy, żartujemy, ja mówię coś w stylu "Chciałabym mieć Ciebie za siostrzyczkę Krystian. Nazwałabym Ciebie wtedy Krystyna XD" Po tych słowach z moim przyjacielem zacznie się dziać coś dziwnego: najpierw zacznie się zmniejszać. Spyta coś w stylu "czemu ty rośniesz", na co w odpowiedzi padnie "To nie ja rosnę, tylko ty się kurczysz!. A potem będą kolejne zmiany. Jego włosy zaczną robić sie coraz dłuższe i dłuższe. Następnie zauważę, że zaczyna mu rosnąć biust. Zszokowana zapragnę to powstrzymać, przytrzymując ręcę do jego piersi, ale one dalej będą rosły w moich dłoniach niczym dwa baloniki. No i potem reszta: pupę będzie miał większa, malutkie dłonie, inną buźkę, seksowne nogi, no i straci jedną część w kroczu :P No i ciuchy też się zmienią: jego jeasny zamienią się w krótkie spodenki, a jego tshirt stanie się obcisłą bluzeczką. Na początku będziemy obydwoje nawet nieco przerażeni, ale koniec końców ja i On polubimy to. Będę miała siostrę którą będę uczyć malować się, ubierać w spódniczki itd. Krystynka natomiast będzie fajną, szczęśliwą dziewczynką

    Wiem, ma bujną wyobraźnię, ale trochę poczytałam z ciekawości jego zapisanych captionów i wiem, że polubi coś takiego. Kiedyś wysłał mi fotkę jak chciałby wyglądać, więc fajnie, jeśli ją wykorzystasz ;) Captiona napisz po angielsku, tak będzie najlepiej: Krystian z tym językiem nie ma problemów. Nigdy nie czytał captiona który jego dotyczy, więc będzie to dla niego fajny prezent. Aha: ja mam na imię Emilia ;) Oczywiście czekam na odpowiedź ;)

    A tutaj ta fotka. Myślę, że pasuje idealnie: popatrz jaka ona jest szczęśliwa ;D

    1. Cześć Emilia. Nawet nie wiesz jak bardzo się cieszę widząc komentarz w znajomym języku. Sam długo szukałem captionów po polsku, niestety znalazłem tylko dwa wygasłe profile na deviantarcie a i statystyki odwiedzin mówią same za siebie. Odsetek gości z Polski jest bardzo niski.

      Jeżeli chodzi o twoje zamówienie to zrobię je z radością. Myślę że twój przyjaciel będzie zadowolony :) Nie wiem czy zdąże w tym tygodniu ponieważ mam jeszcze dwa zamówienia z czego z jednym mam kłopot ze znalezieniem odpowiedniego obrazka. Jeżeli chodzi o język to myślę, że w tym przypadku napiszę zarówno po angielsku jak i po polsku. Zawszę chciałem coś takiego zrobić ale nie wiedziałem jak będzie z publiką ;)

      Fotka świetna, sam chciałbym tak wyglądać ;)

      Pozdrawiam serdecznie. Trzymaj się Emilio :)

    2. Oczywiście, nie ma pośpiechu ;) Bardzo dziękuję za odpowiedź i również mocno się trzymaj ;)

  18. Hey! How are you?
    I would like to request if possible a man named Tom voluntary to become one of these celebrities (Emma Watson, Penelope Cruz, Shakira, Kim Kardashian, Sofia Vergara, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ariana Grande) with a bodysuit.

    I thought maybe Tom was searching for a job until he met a celebrity who ask him to be her double, Tom accept and put on the skinsuit then Tom loves his new job and new life and he even became the celebrity boyfriend/girlfriend.

    Thanks for your time.

    1. Hello

      I'm fine thank you for asking :) Sure I'll make a caption for you

  19. Hi, could you do a caption where a nerdy teen guy gets shifted into a cute asian woman in The Great Shift and has to get used to suddenly being the center of attention from his unshifted friends?

  20. Cześć Marti! Ja też jestem z Polski :D Sprawdź e-maila, ponieważ wysłałem Ci requesta ;)

  21. Hi. Can you do a cap, were a father and his son are magically transformed into a mother/daughter pornstar couple by a evil fairy? The son becomes a sexy milf and the father becomes a sexy teen girl (the son becomes the mother of his own father and his father becomes the daughter of his son). Here are some pics for you:

  22. Hi Marti :) I'd like to request a caption, hope you'll like the idea ^-^
    How about a story where a guy gets caught by either his mother or his older sister while crossdressing in her clothes, and then he paniks and without thinking he casts a possession spell he had been saving on her and then doesn't really know what to do to escape his predicament
    Let me know what you think of it :* Cheers!

    1. I like the idea. Definitelly will be trying to make something good of it ;)

  23. Hi marti. Could you do something with this image:

    Story; Julie is my childhood friend who i have a crush on. After chasing her for a long time she finally agree to have a date with me. She invites me to her home and takes out a jade cock ring, asking me to wear it. I agree as i wanted to fuck her but feel weak after putting it around my cock. Julie push me onto the bed, put her dainty hands on my cock and start to pull as hard as she can. I feel a sucking sensation of something going into my cock and becoming smaller and weaker. Soon, my cock and balls come off and i look up to see that they became a dildo in her hands. Julie laughs and tells me she is a lesbian, and since i wanted to be with her, i had to be a girl. She waves the dildo in front of my face and explain that the cock ring absorbed all my masculinty into the dildo that used to be my cock and turned me into an asian girl like her. Julie starts to use the dildo, asking how does it feel to know my old cock is now inside her. I start to get horny wnd julie laugh and start to use the dildo to tease me, saying once she puts it in me there's no going back. I will be stuck as a girl but i can be with her forever. I ask her to turn me into a real girl and she thrust it inside me. As i reach orgasm, julie laughs at me for being a slut that loves to get fucked by her own cock and that she loves it.

  24. White male up and coming politician in his 20s is realizing that he will have a hard time in the future getting votes based on current political climate and needs to find a way to connect with minorities. Ends up spending one-year as a Latina woman thanks to some skin darkening pills and light surgery.

  25. A request for a series if at all possible. A man's daughter has just entered high school as a freshman. He's worried about her because now she's growing up and wants to make sure she's not getting in trouble with any boys. He's given a spell that allows him to check on her by possessing a girl in her class. However it's only afterwards that he learns the rules: he can switch into a new body once a day via touch but has to cast the spell again to get back to his body. He goes through a few girls/days before ending up in his daughter's body. The next day he's in for a shock when another girl kisses him and he transfers into her... he doesn't have to worry about boys since his daughter is dating a girl. He then decides to return but he's forgotten the spell. The next day he goes into another body. He can't get back but he'll continue body jumping to keep an eye on her... though some times he does jump back into her as well.

    Anyway I'd like to see the following types of girls (beyond the daughter and girlfriend): cute nerd, popular cheerleader, sports girl, tomboy, African-American, Asian if at all possible.

    1. Hello. Sorry for responding so late. I will make a caption for you but unfortunately not in the form of a series. It would take a lot of time and I wouldn't want to keep others waiting for their captions. The idea you send is great and I will make something out of it :)

  26. Can you Make a 30 years old man turning into a 14 years old teenage girl because of wrong worded Wish . With slow mind altercation and reality change ? :-)

  27. Here's two requests for you if that's fine, you can do either one (or both eventually). For the first one a teenage boy's friend is magically turned into a girl. He starts becoming increasingly attracted to her but knows his friend's still uncomfortable with his situation. He eventually finds the Costume Gun. He uses it on his formerly male friend and puts her on and from then on whenever he starts feeling lustful towards his friend he uses the Costume Gun on her. I'd like you to use this picture.

    For the other one, a white middle-aged man finds he has the ability to take over whoever he's thinking about when he masturbates. Of late he's started using this ability to take over the body of his son's girlfriend. I'd like to use this picture for this one.

  28. Hi, could you do a caption where a high school guy ends up as Mary Elizabeth Winstead in the great shift? Thanks.

  29. Borrowing her body Do at least 4 more and do on where he returns to the mother of his girlfriend and then to his aunts girlfriend and finally he returns to the mother of his girlfriend and he stay on his body until his granddaughter is 15 years old.

  30. Can you do a caption where a teenage named John breaks into a hotel and is caught by a teenage girl and she turns him into her 14 year old sister


    A man's step-daughter is having trouble in math class and his attempts to tutor her aren't working. With a test coming he promises to help her and finds a spell that gives him the ability to possess her body so he can take it for her. But he finds he enjoys being her and stepping out of his own life so he's been taking her over more and more and for longer and longer periods of time.


    A guy likes one of his niece's photos from a family vacation and is shocked to end up in her body. To exit he has to post another picture that gets double the amount of likes as the photo he liked. He's eventually able to do it but a few days later, out of curiosity he checks her social media. Other pictures don't have quite the same amount of likes. He goes back to the one he took that got him out and likes it and is transported into her body again. As he takes pictures to get the likes he finds he starts to enjoy the attention he gets as her. He begins liking her most liked pictures spending longer and longer in her body and turning her into a social media star. It begins taking longer to double the amount of likes but he's long since stopped caring enjoying being a cute girl and a social media celebrity.

  33. Hi could you do a caption similar in concept to this one Where a teen guy is kidnapped by a group of criminals who run a buisness of turning their victims into copies of celebrities for their clients to have sex with. He is turned into Emily Blunt and has to work for them for a few months but manages to escape with the help of another teen who's been turned into Scarlett Johansson. He returns home and has to deal with the fact that he has to go back to high school as a 35 year old British woman instead of an American teenage guy.

  34. hello could you please do a caption where a young boy is out playing with his friends at the park but get's his body stolen by a bodyhopper and ends up in the hoppers previous body that of a sexy milf.

  35. @Anonymous, anonymous, anonymous and Lady Stardust. All your request will be made :) Just need a little bit time ;)

  36. So there is this girl named katie who is a cheerleader and she has her own stalker, named Taylor who by the way is the same age as her (19). Well one day when she was alone in the school locker room, Taylor came out of nowhere and started sexual harassing her. First it started with words, until he puts one hand on her boobs and the other on her butt, playing with her underwear. soon as he did that, she shots a spell to him, turning him into a sex doll (because that's all what he thinks about.) When the transformation is done, she plays with him for a bitand then she takes the sex doll Taylor to the men's locker room and before she leaves she grabs the boobs squeezing them ( since a slight touch can automatically turn him on) and then he waits to be played with. Also he's written out of history.

    P.s. sorry if the story is crap

    1. It's not what I usually make but I'm curious to try out this idea ;)

    2. Ok, I can't wait to see what you come up with ^-^

  37. Hey! How are you?
    I would like to request one of these ideas:
    My character Tom is voluntary to become Marilyn Monroe with a pill or a surgery or a body suit for a tv show about celebrity double and so maybe he can turn in movies as Marilyn.
    Or else Tom voluntary to become Kim Kardashian or Emma Watson or Sofia Vergara or Shakira or Jennifer Lopez with a brain transplant in a tv show where a celebrity and another person get swapped and live the other life for a month. At the end of the month, they can choose to stay swapped. Tom and the celebrity want to stay swapped, Tom love his new famous life and the celebrity in Tom body become Tom new boyfriend if possible.
    Thanks for your time.

    1. Both are great and sound fun to make, however I think I will go with the second story :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. You can make me a caption where a daughter was bored with her controlling father and with the help of the medallion of zulo and some panties she had bought from Japan, she transformed her father into a cute Japanese teen girl. the father felt strange being a japanese teen girl, and having tits and a vagina .
    but he loved to look naked in the mirror and play with her new tits.
    her daughter loved to have control over her father now.
    and his wife, seeing that her husband was now a girl of her daughter's age, adopted him and treated him as his daughter and forced him to go to school with his daughter.
    also for the father's bad luck his new body to be full of female hormones was very horny and he missed being with his wife as a couple .
    and as if that were not enough, when he saw some guys, his panties got wet from his excitement, and he hated it and cried a lot because of that.
    After a few months the daughter felt bad for what she did to her father and tried to return it to normal, but the medallion had disappeared.
    After that the father could not control the desire of his body anymore and he got a boyfriend who loves her a lot.
    the father still felt bad and strange for kissing a boy, but he loved when her boyfriend played with her tits and caressed her round ass which made her give sweet female moans.

  39. Witam. Kiedyś moja przyjaciólka Emilia poprosiła Cię o zrobienie captiona dla mnie. Jeśli możesz to sprawdź emaila, ponieważ wysłałem bardzo ważną dla mnie wiadomość. Pozdrawiam :)

  40. Thanks for taking requests!

    My idea:
    In the not-so-distant future, virtual reality MMOs are taking off. They use a brain interface to allow users to experience full sensory inputs. Maybe establish some story about how a friend group, two girls and one guy, begins playing a game with each other.

    The game allows them to generate avatars that are based off of the actual person's body, this is justified by the VR rig scanning the user's body to generate the avatar body. They can change a few things about their avata, like hair color, skin color, slight facial features, etc; but the overall body shape including gender, size, and weight must be equal between avatar and user.

    Later, the group discovers a strange glitch with the in-game trading system that allows the users to exchange avatars in-game. They do this between each other, trying it f2f/m2f/f2m a few times. They are not able to log out until they repeat the glitch, returning to their own avatars and then logging out. They become comfortable using this glitch to use each other's avatars, trading frequently just for fun.

    The game recently updated to have more life-like Artificial Intelligence, one of the users in the group has a male follower AI that becomes more life-like and can be traded directly with now. So, after the guy trades avatars with one of the girls, the other girl decides to attempt to trade avatars with her male follower AI. This is successful and the whole group marvels at the idea of trading with the AI.

    Unfortunately, while the players are switched avatars (guy swapped with girl, girl swapped with male AI follower), the servers shut down for an emergency update. The players who normally can't log out while swapped are forced to log out. The server sees some weird errors concerning account security, seeing a potential hacking attempt and takes measures to rectify it. It does this by overwriting the permission on the VR headsets, matching the consciousness to the body of each person. As the players are kicked off the server, they are downloaded into the body that the server thinks they should be in. The guy is downloaded into the girl's body, the girl into the guy, and the male AI is downloaded into the girl's real life body; the girl becomes trapped in the VR world.

    This is followed by some self exploration by the swapped players/AI who are in the real world, please use your wonderful imagination to explore this part.
    Potential Images:

    Please modify this idea as you see fit! And please don't feel obligated to use this idea if you don't wish to.

    1. Oh and the title could be: "Account Security"

    2. It sounds like a fun idea to explore. I'm more than willing to try it out :)

  41. Hi.
    Frist of all, I want to say you're my favorite captioner. I'm reading tg caption blogs for nearly 10 years but so far you are one of the the best captioners I've ever seen. Especially your mother/son and father/daughter captions are best. I hope you will continue the capping for very very long time.

    First request, would you make father-daughter's friend version of "mike's experiment"

    My second request, would you make a caption from point of view for son-in-mother's body "memento"

    (and sorry for my english, my english is not great)

    Best Regards,

    1. Hello.
      I have never thought I will be going back to those two captions but I'll try my best to make a sequel for at least one of these.

  42. Hi, could you a caption where a teen guy swaps with Elizabeth Olsen in the FOSE and ends up falling in love with his best friend? Thanks.

    1. Hi,
      No problem. I'll be glad to make this caption for you :)

  43. Some I would like to see:

    1. Guy in his 20s is caught trying on his teen female cousin's clothes during a visit and she blackmails him into going to prom as a girl with her group of friends.

    2. 18 year old college freshman is having a terrible time job hunting. Decides to make a fake resume to get hired and ends up assuming the identity of a 25-year-old professional woman.

    3. Strange religious cult is looking for diversity and ends up kidnapping people for a teen youth group (some are men turned to teen girls).

    4. Some white kid moves to a largely hispanic high school and has a hard time making friends. Ends up meeting two hispanic girls and hit it off. They end up starting to turn him on to hispanic food, music, oh and dressing like them. Ends up having a quinceañera.

    5. Older brother somehow becomes his younger sister's twin.

    6. Anything with a guy taking the place of a girl who is deceased.


    1. Wow! Those are some pretty great ideas, Courtney. I'm tempted to try each of them :)

  44. A family abducted by aliens when they returning from their vacation. Aliens swtich bodies of them as a part of experiment. Father swaps with daughter and mother swaps with son. After they get over the shock, they dediced pretends as each others until finding a solution. However they notice first, they gaining each others mannerisms/llkes/behaviours, by the time they gained each others memories as well. One day mother(in son's body) and father(in daughters body) notice their children acts nothing happened and they didn't remeber anything as being in these bodies since they born. Then they tought due to their children have less memory, children's mind succumbs their bodies mind, however father and mother much more have their own memory(because of their ages)
    they still remebers who they are and keeps both memories.
    Even when after an argument between parents and children, parents grounded their children which this shocks new children.
    Eventually parents in childrens bodies decides keep their apparences and search a solution. After a month, one morning new son says his partner(sister) he/she find a potion that swap bodies. But mother in son's body says they are getting late and they should try the potion after school and work.
    After father in daughter's body getting home starts wait patiently, unfortunatelly he/she learns that his wife in son's body getting an accident during play basketball and hits her/his head. To much to his dismay father in daughter's body realizes his wife have amnesia and he/she think he always his son. So eventually father give up and accepts his new fate as a daughter.

  45. Would you make some fictionmania stories as caption or cap series? There are much potential on that site.

    1. It's been quite the long time since I last visited fictionmania. Any specific story on your mind?

    2. "Tokens: The Bitch" by: Morpheus
      "A Brilliant Plan, a Spells R Us Tale" by: Eric
      "Reversal Rings: The Finishing School" by: Eric

    3. I'll take a look at these and see what I can do

  46. got another request. There's a high school bully named shawntell (age 19) who thinks shes gods gift to men, well one day a new student moves into town and signs up for cheerleading. Shawntell doesn't like this, so she waits for Kate in the locker room to bully her, which she does, that's when Kate turns Shawntell into a sexdoll, Kate then gives the look a like shawntell sex doll to a virgin horn ball (who shawntell hates by the way) she's also written out of history.
    Please let me know what you think and

    1. Hope to hear from you soon ( forgot to add that to the end

    2. Hi,
      Sorry for the late response. As for your request I'm fine with it but I'll have to make the bully a guy who gets transformed into a sex doll since I only do male to female captions

    3. Its Ok and we can do that. Here's another idea. Steven is a high school bully has a huge crush on a girl named samanth, he's a huge creep with her and the bad part about it, is he's her neighbor. One day her family leaves her home alone for the weekend, Steven finds out that night and decides to break into her house. Once he's inside, he hears her in the bathroom, getting ready to take a shower and decides to go in there. (Same like the other amazing caption you did for me) he starts messing with her stuff and attempts to rape her, that's when she decides to use her powers and turn him into a sexdoll. Shoving a non stop dildo in him, to teach him a lesson. also do note, he will always feel violated, he can't get turned on from it, never horny, (what I'm trying to say is he will always remain straight and will forever be in pain when he's fucked by other guys.

  47. can i request a cap where a new family moves into an small neighbourhood and the mom is lonely doesn't feel safe in the new neighbourhood because of a group of trouble making teens called George, James and Morgan all aged 15. so she finds a spell online that turns the teens into a group of sexy middle aged women so she can become friends with them and feel safe.

  48. Hej tu Krystian. Sprawdź koniecznie emaila :)

  49. Just let me know what you think, I got other ideas if that one doesn't work out.

    1. This one is fine. I'll be working on it ;)

    2. Sweet XD I can't wait to see what you come up with. Your always know how to make each request better and hot LolxD

  50. Okay so here is my request. guy whose sitting on phone got an email with a text that if he click link in it, it will change his life. When he clicks that link world becomes blur and when he opens his eyes he see that something is different. He is sitting with legs crossed, in skirt and heels. When he looks around his class/workplace he sees that he don't know anyone. He is shocked that he can walk in heels without problem and got female manner. That link changed reality and here everyone has opposite gender. His father is his mother, his girlfriend is his boyfriend and he is the only one who knows about that.

  51. Hi, could you do a caption where a high school student spontaneously transforms into a hot black woman in the middle of his class. His parents/doctors can't figure out what happened to him until other students at the school start randomly changing into people with different gender/age/race including his best friend who becomes a 13 year old Japanese girl.


  52. Hi,I have couple of suggestions.

    1. An Old man wish to become Trump however his wish twisted and he finds himself in Ivanka Trump's body.

    2. Someday a young boy that obsessed with Kate Middleton, gains medallion of zulo as a gift from his grandmother. Then he becomes double of Kate Middleton, however real Kate Middleton learns that there is a double of her own. She confronts the her double. After learning the facts, she decides becomes that boy in order to get rid of pressure of royal.

    1. I really love the second idea. I'll see what I can do about it :)

  53. Hi, I have an idea.

    A rich but guilty middle aged woman sentenced the 2 years. However she has ability to body swap(but both sides must willingly accept the swap). So, she offered her teenager male neighbor to swap bodies in exchange for one million dollars until releasing from prison. Boy accepted that offer, however after boy-in-womans body released prison, he learned his body died. Eventually boy come to terms with new situation.

    1. An interesting idea. I'll see how does it turn out ;)

  54. Hey could you write a caption about a guy who is studying IT and sometimes he has to babysit his sister in a park. He don't has anything to her, he likes her but they have nothing in common.
    His little sister was borred but when she was playing in kindergarden she saw a coin. She picked it up and said "I am so bored, i wish i had big sister to play with me instead of brother".
    That's when a guy felt something strange. When he looked down he saw that now he is in heels and dress and has sitting very lady-like. His sister came to him and said "Hey sis let's go for an ice-cream". He didn't want to but now he has to do everything his sister want, he has to be good big sis. When he walked up he saw that he now has very feminine manner and could walk on heels like a pro.
    When they came to home he saw that his room is different, it was pink and full of feminine clothes. Now he hasn't any IT knowledge, in this life he is a secratary and has knowledge of being secratary etc. Week after his transformation he changed back to being a man.
    From now he need to repeat every week in his life as a man and as a woman.

  55. Hi.
    Would you make an son/step mother willingly body swap caption with using young Sigourney Weaver photo.

  56. I got one, I remember seeing something like this awhile back, but I believe you can make it better.
    Taylor (age 19 and sexiest) was gaming online and began picking on a girl (Dawn),he then tells her to suck a tit and that's when she snaps and casted a spell on him, turning him into girl. Dawn then tells Taylor to suck on his own tits and she then sends another spell to him, Taylor gets one word out and magically places a tit in his mouth, never to speak again. Dawn then tells Taylor yt have fun tdytry to explain his transformation to his mom

    1. Dawn then tells Taylor to have fun to try to explain his transformation to his mom*

    2. ok. I'll see what I can make out of it

  57. Have you ever watch Operacja Koza? If you have watched, what do you think about it?
    And I think a caption with screen/photo of a scene from that movie would be great.

    1. I have seen it. Pretty nice movie though I would prefer if the swap was permament ;) I'll see what I can do if I find a good picture from the movie.

  58. Photo of Ewa Gawryluk works too. ;) I mean despite her age she is still pretty.

    1. Indeed she is hot. A perfect material for mother/son captions ;)

  59. I know I made a request already, but I actually had a dream about this, so I'm telling you now so I don't night well gaming with a friend, Henry made a remark about his girlfriend to his friend saying that she was nothing more than a horny slut. But to his surprise his girlfriend was right behind him and so she turned him into a horny woman, constantly wanting sex and nothing more. Side note: he turns into a exact copy of hayden panettiere. But this picture is sticking out to me LolxD please let me know what you think 😃

  60. Would you make a caption one of these photos:,gSZUoJvbkkmlOBaicljHaQ.jpg?w=960&mode=max&v=20180219131143441

    1. Lovely pictures. I'm sure I will be using them in my future captions :D

  61. Would you make a caption that middle aged teacher swap bodies with Jennifer Garner via swapping with stars. If you would use a photo that Jennifer Garner wearing revealing dresses/skirt/heels that would be great.

  62. As far as I see, you generally don't make caption series or make rarelly. I have a few idea and pic for caption series. Would you consider making caption series?

    1. You can post your idea and I'll see what I can do. Series usually take a lot of time and effort so I don't promise it will happen any time soon.

    2. Okay, first I'm not expecting any time soon happen. So take your time, better late than never :)

      1. Another Incredible Device Story? I think multiple transformations among with reality/mind changes refreshing idea. I really love that series when I read it first time.
      This time I have different ideas about this.
      Our hero(this time young teacher would be great because I'm a teacher :) ) Accidently discover powers of device but after first transformation, he uses the device just for fun because he didn't know device can't work on same person twice so he thinks that he can changes everything back later(he didn't try change back first transformation like in first series).
      This time victims will remember their original reality but even if their new bodies/reality worse than original one, they will be accepted and content with their new bodies/lives. However victims won't be know our hero responsible with changes(I think one occasion our hero says he is responsible with this and says he is sorry and decides change victim
      back but victim says he is now happy and don't do change back)
      He may use device on his co-worker teacher, school principal, his student, his best friend, his neighbour.
      In the end I have more than one final transformation/caption idea. You may select which you like or make them all as alternate endings :)
      - Our hero decides using the device on his own. He tries make himself rich handsome male model but accidently he is end up as sexy female model like victoria's secret angel.

      - Our hero decides make himself 20 years old rich boy but accidently ends up rich boys trophy wife.

      - Our hero tries random settings only selects "rich", "famous" and "sexy" settings so he ends up as a female porn star(if you would make this ending, photo of Ava Addams or Julia Ann or Lisa Ann would be great)

      In all endings our hero will be happy with new reality due to feature of device and after changes he throw away or forgets the device(Maybe in the future someone finds that device, Incredible device series 3 ? :) ).

      Again thanks for taking requests. I will write down here my ideas down below this post.

    3. When it comes to the incredible device series I have good news for you. I'm already working on a sequel (Just started but it's on a good way) ;) However I like your idea about it and I think I will be using it as "The incredible device 3" :)

  63. hey any chance you could do one where a white family and black family do a swap. Where the father would switxh with the oppoaite family daughter and the mother would switch the other families son. maybe they are neighbors or possibly just good friends so they knowneach other already and can somewhat pass off and know some information.

  64. Hey. Could i request a caption about a guy who came on a beach with his friends. He went to swim and was suprised by waves. Every wave changed something in his body to became more feminine. Some waves changed his manerism and clothes to bikini. In the end when his friend saw a women who went out from waves, came to her and asked her if she didn't saw his friend. That's where another wave hit them and that wave changed reality where the guy from the start was born as a girl and is his friend girlfriend ;)

  65. I don't know if you started with my request yet, but if you hadn't I was wondering if I could change it. How about football leader Josh was under the bleachers with one of the cheerleaders named windey, he tries to have his way with her, that's when she uses a spell and turns him into a poster.

    1. A poster? You mean like the thing you hang on the wall in your room? I don't see anything tg related with it. How about something like this: The boy gets transformed into a girl from a poster hanging on the wall and is stuck inside the picture until he breaks free but completely transformed into that girl?

    2. Yeah, the cheerleader his harassing turns him into a female and trapping him in a poster or even picture or painting forever

    3. What do you have in mind for the caption? It doesn't really have to be a poster, just being flattened down

  66. I hope you would make mother's day releated captions today.

    1. Well in Poland mother's day is on 26th of may so you will have to wait until then ;)

    2. Oh, I did'nt know that.
      Then I have a idea for you:
      "Altered Fates: A Special Mother's Day Gift" by: Eric
      If you would make this story as caption, I would be greatful.

    3. Sure, I'll try to make something :)

  67. Can u make a caption where a guy nick has always wished to be a girl. One day he hears rumours about a magical beach in the carribean where guys disappear and hot sex craved girls have been appearing. He goes there to try his luck and after soaking in the clear blue water, he feels his old self melting away and his body shifting and pulsing in sync with the waves. Coming out of the water, nick looks and sees his reflection on the surface of the water. Now a hot young asian girl, the new name hara appears in his head. Leaving the cool water and coming back to the beach, hara discovers her new body has a burning desire and need to be filled with a man's cock. She spends the rest of her days seducing men on the beach with the other newly transformed girls.

    Can you use these images or something similar of the singer goo hara?
    The story can be edited based on ur decision. Thanks

  68. hi its me again hun, i would like to place an order lol, the idea is this, I'm and 30th years old guy called Leonardo with no friends, just with a beautiful girlfriend, one night she go to a girls night out, her friends feels sad about leaving me alone playing videogames, so they transforms me into a twenty hot girl, at the beginning I'm not so into it but eventually brand new memories makes me act like one of them and finally being an 100% woman called Lina. is it possible to be a short serie? thnks hun

    1. Hey cutie. For a good old friend I think I can make a short series ;)

    2. thanx sweetie you're the best

  69. Hi marti. Sorry if my request is all over the place. I've been thinking about a fantasy with emma watson, including the fact that she is a feminist.
    Like one day a guy (daryl) sees emma in a bar and trys to hit on her, she refuse at first but after a few attempts agree and suggest to go to her hotel room. He follows her to the room and faints after accepting a drink from emma. Guy wake and is tied up and emma tell him she is tired of men always thinking that they have the right to women's bodies and sex. Guy sees that he has been turned into a girl and emma is holding his penis and balls which is now a dildo. Emma shoves the dildo into the new girl's mouth and tells her this is what it feels like to be a female im a man's world, having to take men's opinion and bias and having to swallow all of it. As punushment for disturbing her, emma has turned daryl into a girl so he can experience first hand how the situation is like, but not everything is bad. Emma then uses the dildo to show him the new female pleasures over and over, changing his perspective of the world. Before leaving, emma says she'll hold on to the dildo and add it to her collection and will only return it once he learn to be a true feminist, if daryl still wants to become a male again then. Thanks you

  70. Would you make a mom/son swap version of this caption:
    By the way this caption one of my favorite father/daughter caption, booth story and pic are very good.

    1. Sure I will :)
      Also I'm happy to see you like that caption

  71. Here's a request. A man begins dating a woman and at first it's going fine until he loses his job. He winds up scamming a friend out of money. He runs back home where he runs into his girlfriend's daughter (in the 11-13 year old range). She wants to know what's wrong but all he can think about is needing a way to hide since he figures it's only a matter of time until his friend finds out. When he touches her on the shoulder while thinking that he's surprised to see her deflate and when he picks her up there's an opening in the back. Curious he puts his legs through and to his shock he's able to disguise himself as her. He discovers it's an ability he has: if he touches someone while thinking about wanting to hide or disguise himself they turn into a wearable skin. If he touches the back of his heck while thinking that he doesn't need to hide or disguise himself he's able to exit them and they restore. He spends the afternoon as his girlfriend's daughter and thinking it's safe he exits her. He begins using the ability on people to get money but also finds himself returning to his girlfriend's daughter when he wants to unwind after a job. One day he receives a call from his friend who now realizes he was scammed and is threatening to call the police. Needing to hide he again wears his girlfriend's daughter but doesn't know how long he'll need to hide out for. After a day he realizes it's an empty threat but can't get out of the girl. He realizes the one drawback: if he stays in a skin for 24 hours that becomes his new permanent body. He can still use his ability on other people but he's now permanently stuck as a tween girl and can never return to being himself... not that he's begun to mind. The girl and her friends and classmates are much more fun to be and much more useful for ripping people off and getting them to drop their guard.

    1. Sure. Althought I'm not a fan of the costume gun and turning others into objects. Can it be a possesion story?

    2. Personally I'd rather have it as a bodysuit but possession is fine I suppose.

  72. Korean celebrity Hani from EXID who is my childhood friend cruely humiliating me after finding out i have a small dick. Then transforming me into a girl that looks exactly like her to do chores for her and replace her in sleeping with her boyfriend

  73. a fairy turn me into kristin kreuk and i found in my new body i was pregnant can you into two parts

  74. Hey! How are you? I wonder if you could make my character Tom voluntary becoming with a bodysuit Kim Kardashian or Kat Dennings or Stana Katic or Anne Hathaway or Marcia Cross. Maybe the celebrity he uses in only his alter ego, he created his femame identity so he can get a job and becoming famous. Maybe the only person knowing his secret is female partner who work with him in the tv show or movie and maybd even she becomes his girlfriend.
    Thanks for your time.


    Hey Marti. I wish to request a caption with the above picture. The story can be something along the lines of the reader being a flirty playboy that sleeps around often, with a thing for petite asian girls. One day after being caught by his mother who is a witch, he is turned into a girl as punishment for his actions. The reader is first scared, feeling vulnerable in her new body, but soon gets used to it and the flirty nature comes back. But now, the reader uses her new sexuality to seduce guys after discovering how much better sex feels for a girl.
    Thank you very much.

  76. Would you make a caption tagged with "medallion of zulo", "stolen", "cousin" with this photo:

  77. Hi, could you do a caption where a teen guy is walking home from school and accidentally steps on a needle with Japanese characters written on it and suddenly transforms into a beautiful Japanese swimsuit model. He goes home to try to get help from his family but finds that he can only speak Japanese.

  78. Hey MTG, I was wondering if you could make a caption like this a bimbo tg caption that involves a brother and sister. Sister turns bully brother into a bimbo

  79. Would like to see a Mother/Son swap that starts with a son's fetish for his mom's red lipstick - 19-year old Ted loves to watch her put it on, as it seems to make her even more beautiful than she already is. And she enjoys letting him watch, knowing it arouses him. One day, when she is out, he sneaks into her room, and tries it on himself. Immediately, it transforms him into her, dressed as a woman, in sexy lingerie. He can't believe his luck - he's as beautiful as his mom, and feels like the woman she is. He has beautiful breasts, a full head of shoulder-length auburn hair, long slender fingers tipped with red nails, her face perfect in every detail, and of course, her genetalia. Her face only awaits application of her lipstick. He lifts and opens the black and gold case, and applies it expertly, as if he's been doing it all his life. The turn on is instantaneous, and feels it in the space between his long, stocking clad legs. He reaches down, and slips his fingers into her already moist crevice, finding her nub, and stroking it to his first body-quaking orgasm as a woman. What he doesn't realize until later is that bringing him/herself to a climax while wearing her lipstick makes the transformation permanent. He is still recovering from the bliss when he hear's his dad's voice at the door, saying "Ready for round two?"

  80. Greetings. Do you know jeongyeon from the korean group twice? I wanna request a caption with her in it. Mainly a boy named daryl who looks very feminine all his life. He has always been weaker then the other guys and can never seems to put on muscle. While trying to get into a frat in college, the other guys find him very pretty and mistake him for being a girl at first. They teqse him and decide that daryl's hazing is to wear girl's clothing provided by the other guys for one month. The clothes are cursed and slowly turns daryl into a real girl, changing his way of thinking and creating a female alter ego named jeongyeon.
    The alter ego slowly makes daryl dress and act more feminine, flirt with the other guys, and makes him unable to cum as a man. Eventually, when daryl becomes fully female, jeongyeon takes over and seduces all the boys in the frat to sleep with her. As she experiences orgasms after orgasms the pleasure of is amazing and daryl accepts it, letting each thrust destroy his former self until he fully becomes jeongyeon, the school slut.
    If it's not too much troublez could you use a few images of jeongyeon? Possibly with her having short hair at first then followed by those where she has longer hair and looks more feminine.

    1. Sounds like a bigger project but I'm willing to do it. Never heard of jeongyeon but I'll look her up ;)

  81. Thank you so much!

  82. Would you make a mother/son swap caption with one of those photos?

    mom/son swap,9VGrTHSHfkSikkeYMJfZ3g.jpg?mode=crop&scale=both&v=20180411101407353

    1. The pictures have great potential. I will gladly use them in one of my mom/son swaps :D

  83. Actually, for a few weeks, I've been saving potential cap photos for my further requests and just for fun. For the time being I only sended a few for my request. I stashed a a lot of photo for potential caps(even I categorized them). If you're interested in I will gladly post them to you.

    1. IIRC I've posted that them, did you you remove my message?

    2. No, I didn't remove any of your messages. Maybe try again

    3. Sorry then, I remembered wrong. I'm gonna send again. I was thinking why my favorite capper removed my message :) sorry for misunderstanding.

    4. I don't understand, I sended them again but my message vanished again. I guess google or blogger automaticly deleted messages with social media links or something. I had better use e-mail I guess

    5. Yup, I think it might be a better idea :)

  84. I got a caption idea for you. Katie, the popular girl and school bully, starts picking on the new girl Samantha but little does she know that sam is actually a witch. One day Sam had enough of Katie bullying her, so she decideds to turn her her into this I don't know how to word it LolxD. Please let me know what you think

  85. Thanks for doing my request (Amazing Powers). Definitely enjoyed seeing it and seeing it did give me an idea for a follow up if that's fine with you. That being that as Mike's been getting used to his situation things take a turn as Stacy introduces her new boyfriend... the friend Mike ripped off! Mike begins feeling antsy that he'll somehow be found out so he uses his powers to move from Amy's body into his friend's 13-year-old daughter. He wants to keep an eye on his friend but he finds being a middle school girl to be wonderful too and begins splitting his time between Amy's body and the daughter's.

    If you can use this picture:

    1. Ok, thank you so much. I can't wait to see what you make

    2. It doesn't really have to be that picture, just a simple huge head would do. Guy tells every girl in school that he has a huge head and so witch turns him into a woman, with a huge head LolxD. Get it?

  86. Would you make a father/daughter version of "in mom's shoes"

  87. Mógłbym prosić o historię tego typu:
    Michał podchodzi do jakiegoś nieznajomego człowieka na ulicy i mówi "Chcę żebyś był moją dziewczyną". Wtedy ten człowiek zmieni się w jego dziewczynę, co przy okazji zmieni rzeczywistość wokół nich i spowoduje zmiany w jego mózgu, które dadzą my wiedzę jak być kobietą. Fajnie by było gdyby został zmieniony w tancerkę/czirliderkę i był świadomy zmian ;)

  88. Marti please, you can make me a sexy kinky caption where a middle-aged white father is transformed into a sexy hot black teen girl made by a magic coin he found, and the coin said "valid for a wish".after the transformation the coin disappears mysteriously
    The man did not want to be a girl, but the wish he had asked the magic coin was "I want to see a naked black teen girl and squeeze her breasts". Since he was horny because in the street he had seen some black girls teenagers with tight and sexy clothes and he had been very horny because of that.

    the man was crying for the loss of his penis and it was very strange for him to be a sexy black teen girl and have a good pair of breasts and a sensitive vagina.

    but he loved to look naked in the full-length mirror and doing a role-playing game imagining that the girl was a friend of his daughter who loved him .
    and squeezing her breasts and although it was weird for him to have a vagina he likes to play with his vagina since it was very pleasant.

    her teenage daughter supported him in everything and she was starting to love her father as a sister but forced her father to wear sexy clothes. Besides, she found it funny that her father was now the same age as her, and sometimes her daughter ,said to him "Daddy your breasts are more bigger than mine and your ass is perfect I'm sure the guys will love you"

    With his teenage son, the new relationship they had was a bit strange although he continued to respect how his father, he looked at him in a lusty way the new body of his father. even the son asked his father to show him his new breasts and the father saying that he is still a man inside and accepted his son's request and showed him his breasts.

    his wife at first was in shock of what happened to her husband but some time later she accepted the whole situation, she still loved him as always for his wife, He was still the man she loved although now he looked like a teenage girl
    So, that's why both of them continued to have a married life, although a bit strange, and they loved to play perverted role-playing games between them. even his wife bought him sexy clothes and thongs.

    but since the father was a teenage girl he had to go back to school where his son and daughter were studying and his wife had to treat him like his daughter when they were in public.

    but the worst was when his female hormones were out of control and he had dreams wet with girls and boys.

    and he hated when his body reacted involuntarily to seeing men too, without realizing the father, his sexuality had changed, from being a heterosexual man to being a very horny bisexual girl.

    and it only got worse when the new neighbors moved next door.
    It was a cute black couple with a teenage son.The neighbor's son, seeing the sexy black teen girl, fell in love with her at first sight and wanted her to be his girlfriend.

    and the transformed man, when seeing the son of the neighbor his body reacted also only that stronger, he could feel his hard nipples and his feminine crotch very wet.
    the father tried to repress his new feelings, but it was difficult for him .and sometimes the neighbor's son would steal a kiss from him.
    His wife also found out and realized that her husband's new body also wanted to be with men. That is why she supported him and told him to become the girlfriend of the neighbor's son.

    the man knowing that this was the only option to satisfy all the needs of his new body, he accepted to be the girlfriend of the neighbor's son. the man had a romantic relationship with his wife and the neighbor's son

    The neighbor's son loved her too much and they kissed for hours and her boyfriend loved to squeeze her breasts. and they even started having sex together .
    and when he returned home, the man and his wife had sex with very perverted role-playing games.

    this is just the main idea, feel free to be creative and add many funny and kinky parts, please

  89. A mother tells her son that their family have astral projection ability. So after his son's 18th birthday she tells their family secret and she decides teach astral projection to his son. They tries and succeed at first astral projection try. However due to fact that his son's first try, during astral projection he see things foggy, because of that he returns accidently his mother's body. After swap bodies her mother says there is a time limit for second attempt, so they have to wait. However by the time they gets each other memories and mannerisms, eventually his son decides keep his new body despite his mother's objections.

  90. I would love to make a request.
    There's a married couple named Robin and Rachel.
    Rachel loves Robin very much, but has this urge to live the rest of her life with a female instead of a man. Rachel and Robin however, are a couple meant to be. To not have to leave Robin, Rachel plots Robin's gender change.. He finally gets to be the gender that matches his name!

    Could you write an awesome caption with the story-line above? Of course you're free to use your own creative mind anywhere in the story.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. can turn is time into ariana grande with blonde hair and pregnant by a witch who love turn things into anything any time she want do after she turn me pregnant cow with ariana mind
