
Monday, November 23, 2020

No regrets

 I think I will be slowly returning to post more regulary *fingers crossed*

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The insomniac blog update

 I've just recieved an email from Claira (the insomniac tg). There's good news and bad news and to clarify what happened I'm posting her message:


Hiya folks,

I saw that I was listed as "missing" in your blogs, so I thought I'd try to get in touch with you for an update :)

So basically what is I got something nasty on my computer that caused a lot of my stuff to get flagged, Google included. The good news is, as far as real life stuff goes, it looks like damage control has been more-or-less successful, so all's well on that front. The not-so-good news is, while I did obviously get my Google account back, apparently they didn't much care for my blog when they saw it and in my attempts to get that back so... yea, it's probably gone for good.

So yea, all told, I'm fine, but the blog as it was is dead. I'm not sure what that means for me moving forward. I'll probably take a little break and try to figure it out from there. 

Feel free to disperse this "update" on your respective blogs or anywhere else you wish! I'm actually having some weird issues trying to post comments, on blogs (I may have some anonymous replies awaiting moderation on your blogs, or even from this account, nothing is showing up for me after I try posting). 

Thanks for all your kind words and support, and sorry for any worry I've caused you. 

-The Former Blogger Formerly Known as The Insomniac?
 Sadly the blog is dead and I don't know if she has an archive for her captions. Let's just hope that one day we're going to see a comeback.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The great shift

 So far in every great shift caption I made, our society survives and people just continue their lives in their new bodies like if nothing happened. Of course we all know that in reality such event would be catastrophic so today I decided to take a more realistic aproach to the topic.



Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Insomniac blog?


I know many of us are probably asking this question right now, but does anyone have any idea what happened to the insomniac blog? 

As a huge fan myself I'm really worried we may not see any captions from Claira anymore and I think it's going to be a huge loss to the tg comunity on blogger.  I was trying to reach her via email, but I only recieve a message back that the email doesn't exist. Like her whole google account got deleted out of a sudden.

Claira, if there is a slight chance you're reading this please let us know what's happening and if there's any chance you're coming back.

Friday, November 6, 2020

What was I thinking?

 Dropping a quick one for today. Hope to make some on the weekend.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Important announcement

 Hello my dears.

I'm recently very busy with stuff in my private life and because of that I may have problems with keeping the blog updated with daily captions. For a week or two it's going to be hard for me to post and I sincerely apologize. I may be able to post a cap every once in a while to keep the blog going on, but I can't promise anything at the moment. Hope this won't be too much of a problem and I will be able to jump back into my daily schedule very soon.